April 4th - 7PM (Allen Park)
Will Attridge
Anthony Calato
Christopher Corcoran
Keith Foster
Matthew Jackson
Robert Nutter
Eric Passiglia
Glen Percoco
Edward Plaia
Richard Salazar
Anthony Santopadre
George Schultheis
Joseph Tirino
David Wasserman
Joseph Malone (Lottery Pick Only) - formally played for Bar-Boy
Walter Gilroy (Bar-Boy) [FA]
Dennis Moskowitz (Bar-Boy) [FA]
Danny Ramouter (Bar-Boy) [FA]
Christopher Passaretti (BK Sweeney's) [FA]
Stephen Connors (Chaning Times) [FA]
James McCaffrey (Changing Times) [FA]
Marco Rosa (Changing Times) [FA]
Anthony Catanzaro (Dantona Industries) [FA]
Rafael Liriano (Dantona Industries) [FA]
Michael Mercatante (Dantona Industries) [FA]
Giovanni Russo (Dantona Industries) [FA]
James Mongan (Grexicana) [FA]
Robert Rossmangno (Grexicana) [FA]
Michael Sisti (Grexicana) [FA]
Heriberto Miranda (Little Lounge) [FA]
Shawn Quailer (Little Lounge) [FA]
Jason Romano (Little Lounge) [FA]
Michael Donahue (McCourt & Trudden) [FA]
Michael Whiffen (McCourt & Trudden) [FA]
Anthony Cotrone (Nutriwolf) [FA]
John Perino (Piazzetta) [FA]
Joseph Piazza (Piazzetta) [FA]
Christopher Smith (Ridgewood Station) [FA]
Darren DiFlorio (Sal's Place) [FA]
Andrew Larsen (Sal's Place) [FA]
Manual Lopes (Sal's Place) [FA]
Bolded players are available as Preferential Picks or Lottery Picks provided, they attend the pre-Draft player workout
Participation will be mandatory
Any team needing four (4) or more players may bring in one (1) additional free agent in addition to their allotted number in the chart.
Each draft round starts with the 12 Seed and works up to the 1 Seed.
Player can be added to a team roster without any pre-draft tryout and regardless of team draft order. Free Agent Picks are allotted to teams based on prior season record and league headcount.
Player is selected by a team based on draft order; player must attend the pre-draft tryouts. Preferential Picks are allotted to teams based on prior season record and league headcount.
Player is selected by a team based on draft order - this is a "blind" selection; player must attend the pre-draft tryouts. Lottery Picks are selected from a hat (often referred to as "Hat Picks") and are available to all teams regardless of prior season record and are used to get team rosters to 16 active players.
Will Attridge
Anthony Catanzaro (Dantona Industries) [FA]
Anthony Calato
Anthony Catrone (Nutriwolf) [FA]
Stephen Connors (Chaning Times) [FA]
Christopher Corcoran
Darren DiFlorio (Sal's Place) [FA]
Michael Donahue (McCourt & Trudden) [FA]
Keith Foster
Walter Gilroy (Bar-Boy) [FA]
Matthew Jackson
Andrew Larsen (Sal's Place) [FA]
Rafael Liriano (Dantona Industries) [FA]
Manual Lopes (Sal's Place) [FA]
Joseph Malone (Lottery Pick Only)
James McCaffrey (Changing Times) [FA]
Michael Mercatante (Dantona Industries) [FA]
Heriberto Miranda (Little Lounge) [FA]
Dennis Moskowitz (Bar-Boy) [FA]
Robert Nutter
Christopher Passaretti (BK Sweeney's) [FA]
Eric Passiglia
Glen Percoco
John Perino (Piazzetta) [FA]
Joseph Piazza (Piazzetta) [FA]
Edward Plaia
Shawn Quailer (Little Lounge) [FA]
Danny Ramouter (Bar-Boy) [FA]
Jason Romano (Little Lounge) [FA]
Marco Rosa (Changing Times) [FA]
Robert Rossmangno (Grexicana) [FA]
Giovanni Russo (Dantona Industries) [FA]
Richard Salazar
Anthony Santopadre
George Schultheis
Michael Sisti (Grexicana) [FA]
Christopher Smith (Ridgewood Station) [FA]
Joseph Tirino
David Wasserman
Michael Whiffen (McCourt & Trudden) [FA]
Bolded players are available as Draft Picks provided they attend the pre-Draft player workout
Brian Ariss (McCourt & Trudden) [FA]
Robert Delpesce (Bethpage Pharmacy) [FA]
Dennis Kane (Dantona Industries) [FA]
Joshua Manke (BK Sweeney's)
Glenn Mitchell (Changing Times) [FA]
Denen Olson (Ridgewood Station) [FA]
Alexander Regruto (Changing Times) [FA]
Bryan Rose (McCourt & Trudden) [FA]
Ryan Rosenhauer (Ridgewood Station) [FA]
Christopher Scarolo (Sal’s Place) [FA]
Roger Schuelin (Piazzetta) [FA]
Daniel Speranza (Dantona Industries) [FA]
Shawn Stanford (Bethpage Pharmacy) [FA]
John Tallarico (Grexicana) [FA]
Jesse Vargas (Grexicana) [FA]
Cory Walker (Little Lounge) [FA]
Thomas Wilbert (Bethpage Pharmacy) [FA]
Ricky Cruz (Bar-Boy) (2025)
Sebby Dattolo (Bar-Boy) (2025)
Anthony Deagresta (Bar-Boy) (2025)
Steven Vasquez (Stanley Steemer) [FA] (2025)
Jason Wass (Stanley Steemer) [FA] (2025)
Joseph Andrade (TW Cable) [FA]
James Baque (McCourt & Trudden) [FA]
Anthony Bruno (Stanley Steemer) [FA]
Thomas Caputo (Sal’s’ Place) [LP]
William Coleman (Piazzetta) [LP]
Joseph Dasilva (Changing Times) [FA]
Daniel Defalco (Dantona Industries) [FA]
Frank Gannon (BK Sweeney's)
Robert Haviken (Sal’s Place) [LP]
Raymond Jacobs (BK Sweeney's)
Barry Jared (Ridgewood Station) [PP]
Raymond Krenek (Piazzetta) [FA]
David Lett (Piazzetta) [FA]
Michael McIntyre (Sal’s Place) [FA]
Edward Rubenfeld (Piazzetta) [FA]
Gary Santiago (Piazzetta) [LP]
Thomas Soltan (BK Sweeney's)
Charles Timparano (Stanley Steemer) [FA]
Anthony Visconti (Ridgewood Station) [FA]
Dalton Young (Ridgewood Station) [FA]
Robert Brooks (Ridgewood Station) [LP] (2024)
Vincent Causman (Sal’s Place) [FA] (2025)
Paul Cipriano (Bar-Boy) (2025)
Daniel Reichert (Bar-Boy) (2025)
Carlos Alvarez (BK Sweeney's)
Steven Dellacroce (Dantona Industries) [LP]
Christopher Hetman (Little Lounge) [FA]
Mark Johnson (Stanley Steemer) [LP]
Angelo Marcella (Sal’s Place) [FA]
James McCormack (Dantona Industries] [FA]
Craig Michel (Dantona Industries) [LP]
James Quint (Piazzetta)*
Lawrence Rennock (Bar-Boy)
Michael Taunton (Stanley Steemer) [FA]
Al Zumbrunn (Little Lounge) [FA]
Steven Asadurian (BK Sweeney's) (2025)
Rodney Libramonte (Lotus) [LP] (2025)
Joseph Malone (Bar-Boy) (2025) [Re-entered Draft]
Antonio Martinez (Dantona Industries) [FA] (2025)
Joseph Bonelli (Changing Times) [FA]
Brian Danielson (McCourt & Trudden) [FA]
William Deakin (Sal’s Place) [FA]
Frank Esposito (Little Lounge) [FA]
James Gardner (Piazzetta) [FA]
Thomas Giacomaro (Bar-Boy) [FA]
Jonathan Hardy (Bethpage Pharmacy) [FA]
Steven Heil (Bar-Boy) [FA]
Abdy Navarro (Lotus) [LP]
Joseph Ortega (Little Lounge) [FA]
Christopher Palillo (Sal's Place)* [LP]
Brian Pierce (McCourt & Trudden) [FA]
Justin Schumacher (BK Sweeney's)
Eugene Shear (Lotus) [FA]
Thomas Tierney (Bethpage Pharmacy) [FA]
Thomas Bove (Changing Times) [PP]
Michael Busch (BK Sweeney's)
Gerard Campbell (The Turning Point) [LP]
Brian Davis (McCourt & Trudden) [FA]
Gregory Dechiara (McCourt & Trudden) [FA]
Jesse Delcolle (McCourt & Trudden) [LP]
Jordan Gilbert (Little Lounge) [PP]
Robert Hauer (Lotus) [FA]
Donald Mulligan (Piazzetta) [FA]
Gianmarco Penta (Zwanger Pesiri) [FA]
Kenneth Rubin (Sal’s Place) [LP]
Jeffrey Denecke (Zwanger Pesiri) [FA] (2025)
Louis Barbone (Little Lounge) [FA]
Robert Bono (Changing Times) [FA]
Shaun Hawes (McCourt & Trudden) [FA]
Jason McCarthy (LaCorte Family Auto) [PP]
Ronald Moore (Bar-Boy)
Christopher Persampire (Bar-Boy)
John Manfredo (The Turning Point) [FA] (2025)
Thomas Alcamo (Lotus) [PP]
Michael Frias (Zwanger Pesiri) [FA]
Marc Giove (Changing Times) [PP]
Thomas Innis (Bethpage Pharmacy) [PP]
Michael Magnani (Changing Times) [LP]
Brian May (Stanley Steemer) [PP]
Brian Bishoff (Stanley Steemer) [LP] (2024)
Gaspare Dattolo (Bar-Boy) (2025)
Gerald Ferraro (Lockie & Nowacheck) [PP]
Joseph Licci (Bethpage Pharmacy) [LP]
Richard Eaton (Bethpage Pharmacy) [LP] * (2024)
Matthew Mile (Moby Drugs) [LP] (2025)
Paul Ferrantino (Moby Drugs) [PP]
Matteo Ferro (Moby Drugs) [LP]
William Hills (Legends on Broadway) [PP]
Thomas Meier (Changing Times) [PP]
Michael Rahn (BK Sweeney's)
Robert Stang (Sal’s Place) [PP]
Robert Veracka (Dantona Industries) [PP]
Joseph Badalamenti (Bar-Boy)
Anthony Cimino (Bethpage Pharmacy) [PP]
Russell Spero (Singletons) [LP]
Brian Baily (Lockie & Nowacheck) [LP] (2025)
Matthew Komorowski (L&N) [LP] (2025)
Richard Apollo (Lockie & Nowacheck)* [LP]
Kevin McGuiness (Zwanger Pesiri) [PP] (2025)
John Compitello (Paradox Cafe) [LP]
Richard Marotto (Bethapge Pharmacy) [LP]
Russ Spero (Singletons)
Vincent Vega (Paradox Cafe) [LP]
Michael Corda (Changing Times) [PP]
Anthony Paccione (Singletons) [LP]
William Gonzalez (Paradox Cafe) [PP]
James Loughlin (Bethpage Pharmacy) [HP]
Lawrence Ortolani (Changing Times) [LP] *
Wally Seyfert (Paradox Cafe) [PP]
Stephen Fanelli (Paradox Cafe) [PP]
Vincent Inzirillo (LaCorte Family Auto) [PP]
Christopher LeeLum (Changing Times) [PP]
Lyle Nigro (Granny O'Shea's) [PP]
David Thornburn (Changing Times) [PP]
Donald Carlin (Granny O'Shea's) [PP] (2025)
Mitchel Maghakian (Granny O'Shea's [PP]
David Saur (Barco Construction) [PP]
Kevin Brosnan (Mers Ale House)
Steve Jacobson (Barco Construction) (2023)
* Player currently not playing for drafting team (i.e. traded, back in hat, etc.)
Names in italics are currently on IR (year placed on Reserve Roster)
[FA] = Free Agent; [LP] = Lottery "Hat" Pick; [PP] = Preferential Pick
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